Look, if you can't cook, and cook well, chances are you are single. Don't expect to get a man if you cannot hold your own in the kitchen, and have some real flavor. Real talk! All that Destiiny's Child "Independant Woman" stuff is great, and I fully encourage the majority of it, but if you can't cook you won't get a man and have a family. I know gender roles are not PC and stuff like that, but FOR REALS, if you can't hold it down in the kitchen you will be single. Hey, I can cook, and I can cook well. I was home trained by my Mother, and even made my queen a royal breakfast on our first date, but the majority of single men in America are gay, taken, or weird. Most of the time these men can be summed up quite easily. They are into sports or music, have no idea how to cook, and want to have sex all the time. They are not very sensitive, and have no idea how to be in a relationship. They cheat, they lie, and they always think the grass is greener. And usually have a strong fear of commitment, and can't communicate worth a damn. But, for some strange reason women like these kind of men, and are drawn to losers. So, look at this series of pictures and learn something. My queen is one of a kind. Not only is she out of this world beautiful, she has a knowledge of self and culture, has a great wealth of intelligence, and can cook! She didn't even know how to make meals before she met me, that is one thing I have refined in her life, but now look at this.

She baked 2 dozen cupcakes (I love cupcakes!) and frosted half of them.

She then starts hooking up the chicken for quesadillas.

She is holding down the entire kitchen!

And then she goes with the neopolitan frosting flair!
Get your kitchen game up!