Day 2

On day 1 I met up with members of (g)eppetto (G)estapo to work on A Fibonacci Sequence. We did a live jamdown @ UCSF. On day 2 I woke up and wrote my verse and then we went to the studio and banged it out, first take first try. Recorded live in HD, mixed and mastered by Adrian Wong. Look for the album Plans of the Planets to drop in the near future.
A Fibonacci Sequence
Clint Allday aka Clintaur aka Tone999- bass
Alice Wang- electric cello
Trevor Oelrich- harmonica
Julie O'Neal- drums
Curt Allday aka Galactic Son aka Catastrophe God- vox
Tshilumba Kabongo aka Mad Scientist aka The Golden Griffin- vox
Engineer- Adrian Wong