Wow! The movie was wildly entertaining. Robert Downy Jr. was an excellent representation of Tony Stark. He even had the ill mustache going on. It was funny, it was pretty true to the comic book story (although not 100%, but that's movies for ya) and it wasn't cheesy like Fantastic 4. I couldn't tell that the movie was 126 minutes. I loved the movie, and am down to pay for another ticket to see it again. Like if I am bored during the summer, I'll be on some, "let's see ironman again". Take everybody you know to see it cuz it is what summer movies are all about, ENTERTAINMENT! The surprise of the movie is Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow), she is a definite scene stealer, she is super witty and fresh.
This is a 4 and a half Conquering Lions, a fa sho must see. Go see it and stop reading.

p.s. Costco sells discounted movie tickets! Go and get tickets there, they are cheaper than matinee!