Hi Everyone,
I am getting ready to make that summer journey to another Leja Bulela conference (Dallas 2008). www.lejabulela.org Can you make a donation? Donate what you can, from $5 to $500, it all helps. You can go to the website and make a donation via credit card, or you can send any checks payable to Leja Bulela to:
Leja Bulela, Inc
c/o Pascal Mutanda
14781 Memorial Drive. Suite # 1323
Houston , TX 77079
Please visit the website (www.lejabulela.org) and donate today! Your donations help to become the voice of the voiceless. My home country Democratic Republic of the Congo has been and continues to be a war torn land and generations of Congolese need our help. Your contributions go directly to projects such as the following:
At this stage, we intend to concentrate on structural and long-term strategies that can transform the lives of the Baluba. We are happy to report the following update on current activities:
1) Construction of a health center: Leja Bulela has pledged to build a health center to primarily serve displaced persons and marginalized communities in Eastern Kasai. We are conducting feasibility studies and we have developed a plan for paying health personnel salaries from the contributions of U.S.-based Congolese.
2) Our National Coordinator, Dr. Ngoyi Bukonda is on a sabbatical. He is spending the next
six months in Mbuji-Mayi conducting research on preventing transmission of HIV in health facilities in Eastern Kasai Province. While we miss him on the Executive Committee, he is fulfilling an important mission for LB. He is establishing solid relations that LB needs with local programs, especially with the University of Mbuji-Mayi, and creating needed local ties to help us implement effective projects that also respond to the real needs of the population.
3) Provision of toilets in existing health centers: LB members made contributions that are enabling the construction of toilets and provision of running water in a health center with a high client volume, especially expecting mothers.
4) We are in the process of identifying reliable NGOs working in Kasai that we can support with financial and technical contributions.
Thank you for caring and sharing!

Truth And Rights
Leja Bulela Member