This is a special culinary edition of Truths And Rights. Today's recipie is lasagna. Many love to eat it, but few know how to make it. So, read, learn, live.
How to make the Truth And Rights Lasagna:
Get your baking pan (make sure you got foil)
Sautee white onions, mushrooms, and italian sausage (shrimp works too) in extra virgin olive oil
Put down your first layer of lasagna noodles (boil em first) put the meat/veggie mixture down on top of the noodles, cover with cheese (mozzarella)
Put down another layer of noodles, on top of layer 2 hook up more mozzarella on top of the mozzarella put down fresh spinach leaves (a generous helping cuz it shrinks in volume while baking) on top of that put down some sauce (I like the red, you can do pesto too)
Then on top of that start another layer of noodles on top of this noodle layer spread a healthy dose of ricotta, on top of the ricotta, bust some more mozzarella, finally cut up some fresh parsley and add that on top for looks and taste.
Preheat the oven at 350, and bake with foil on top (but make sure it doesn't touch the cheese) for 50 mins. The last 15 mins take the foil off.
BAM! Lasagna my people. Get some ceasar salad, some garlic bread, and some red vino and you are good to go.
Truth And Rights promotes healthy living. You can use healthier ingridents if you are on that tip (i.e. low fat cheeses and sauces) and skip on the alcohol too if you don't drink.
Skateboarding is fun, and I do it all the time. Despite the fact that grown ass men are riding in this video, skateboarding is a kids game. Skateboarding keeps us young! Long live skate!
Whatchall know about Blu and Exile? Truthfully, I didn't know crap about the kid. But one day DJ BoHandles played a song called "No Greater Love", after that my mind got open.
Exile is on the beats Blu is on the flow. They hail from LA. Lots of people are just getting into the "soulful" style of beat making, but after you listen to the album, you know this ain't some rookie shit.
Blu flows with the familiarity of your neighborhood's illest emcee. He has got so much realism in the rhymes. Yeah, I cannot listen to more rhymes about the same stuff, i.e. Rims, Hoes, Cash. This kid puts his life into the rhymes. The type of rhymes that need to be caught at a live show at a spot like DNA lounge. He has been added to the soundtrack of my life (ipod) and now after getting in tune with Truth And Rights you can spread knowledge about that real hip hop.
To the music...
01. My World Is...: The intro! This album starts off the right way. Not too much talking and braggadocio about how hot this album is going to be. Just a sweet sample and sick flows. "Many members fell off cuz they didn't know the ledge"
02. The Narrow Path: The use of samples are lesson like in this track. At the end of the previous song the words are a prelude to what is going to happen next. "Tryin to get they gravy straight" FOR REALS. Doing the right thing is a tough choice for some. The straight and narrow path is usually a lonely one.
03. Simply Amazin’ (steel blazin’): Close your eyes. Seriously, close your eyes as you listen to this track. Drums, cuts, samples, flows so pure. This is the type of music that inspires me to live my life. He is trying to bring hope to the people. Rhyming like this changes people's attitudes. His life origins are sewn thru the seams of the song.
04. Juice n’ Dranks: DEEEEEEEEEEEETROIT! Taarach is on this track. (Det-LA connection, this is a reoccurring theme in my life). Do I really need to say more?
05. In Remembrance: A back in the day track. The 1990's were a heyday for me and Blu as well. Seriously, I grew up good. Although there were some childhood memories that I can forget, when I look bad on the "good ole days" I have this beat running thru my mind. Learn something from this track.
06. Blu Collar Worker: "Gotta go and get the money!" -Jay Dee. Seriously, you can't win in love, you comprimise. Get that message loud and clear all you couples out there. Either you work too much, or you don't work enough. Work. Do it and die, but make sure that it is work you like.
07. Dancing In The Rain: "Just move your ass". Talk about staying in your zone. When you are a mogul in the making, cats wonder where the hell you are. I feel like Dilla sometimes, cuz peeps are always like "where are you at? what are you doing?" I am living my life like tomorrow is not guaranteed, because it isn't really. So, when you are with me get on my vibe and act like this is your last day of freedom, so do what you want just don't hurt the Earth.
08. First Things First: How hard is it being single? I know lots of single 20somethings that go thru some shit. Whether it's taxitas asking you to sit shotty, or co-workers that put ice down your shirt, at an attempt to be cute, or ex-girls that don't return your DVD's or if she puts your hands on her boobs then gets mad when you take her shirt off. (All TRUE stories, not me tho!!) I am not envious of you singles out there. You can't even smile at a girl w/o some drama. How do you meet people these days?
09. Greater Love: (See/hear for yourself. PUT YA HANDS UP!!!!!) Wow.
10. Good Life w/Aloe Blacc & Joseph: Show me! Who doesn't want to have the good life? Being poor is not a crime (Bigg Justoleum). We all want to live our dreams, so why not dream in reality?
11. Soul Rising: Oooooooooooooh! Pure headnoddedness. If you listen to this and don't get your hiphop headnod on, you are either smoked out crazy or dead. "I'm making niggas see the light like a bright idea" C'mon, you can't hate on that. That quote is exactly like I feel every single day of my post baccalaureate life.
12. Cold Hearted: Songs about pain are always something that I enjoy. I have dealt with so much pain in my life it is refreshing to hear others go thru it too. Misery loves company. As positive as the I and I can be, I can't see life without pain.
13. Below The Heavens pt. I: Who's world is this? Where is heaven? Some have definitive answers to these questions, and those that do not find themselves guideless and unknowing slaves to a mental death. Seek paradise. Why the hell not?
14. Below The Heavens pt. II: I enjoy the concept of a second part to a previous idea/song/story/movie. The sequal is always compared to the first but is that really fair? A sequal is typically a continuation of something else, it's like your life, you a you part 2 tomorrow morning and recreate your own self.
15. I Am...: What a way to go out. I liked the creativity of this last track. Thinking outside the box with the spidit.
Cats like Blu make the game nice. B+ on the Conquering Lions grade scale. His mixtape is nice too...
2008 has been just as I expected, full of surprises. Obama. He makes me want to be patriotic. I really hope he is the next President. What do y'all think? Obama for President, yes yes y'all!
Most of you are on your Valentine's Day tip. You got some red or maybe some pink gear to rock. But who the hell is St. Valentine anyway? I'm asking y'all. I don't know who he/she is or why they get a whole day to themselves. Stop buying into all that fake ass, holiday fabrication garbage. America is open for business, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Truth And Rights would like to take this opportunity to honor a man that has helped me become who I am today. A strong Black Man that does what he wants, and what is right regardless to whom or what. A man that would not take any of your or my bullshit. A trailblazing visionary, who's time to shine will soon come. A Don in the making. MuamBeats.
Today there is no loyalty. No chivalry. No honesty. But, my older brother has been the most consistent person in my whole life, he is loyal, chivalrous, and honest. Who taught the I about H.I.M? Who can understand every single word, emotion, nuiance, or slang that I create? Who was there to back me up every single time? Who was there for me when the whole world turned their back on I and I? Who educated the I about the REVOLUTION? (which is taking place before your very eyes) Who taught me about swaggger, steelo, and confidence? Who taught me about being selfless and giving just because it is the right thing to do? Before friends, before lovers, before everybody. Muamba. I love my brother. So much so, I'd take a full clip to the dome before I see anything bad happen to him.
Family first. The rest of you can take a back seat. That's my word.
Well, until Shaq steps on to the floor as a Sun we have this. (this one is for you Bo!) There has been hella hating going on. As a Laker fan, I'll say this. If I had a choice, I wouldn't want to have Shaq in the same division as me. AND the Warriors have to deal with his Bigness. West, west y'all!
Paintings on the wall...Do you take them for granted? How much art is in the city of San Francisco? Exactly, what the hell kind of question is that? Where are you going with this?
To the bathroom/ Or maybe the living room/ Perhaps a trip to the washer machine/ Or how about just walking in the door.
Many of you don't take advantage of getting out and seeking art. Just imagine a world without artists. Actually, don't waste your time doing that. Think about all the art you take for granted.
Wack art, is still art. Art makes you think. It forces debate or conversation. Art is wearable. Art is eatable. Art is thinkable. Art is incredible!
Everyday I can sit in my living room and stare and wonder. I can go up close or far away.
What I see today may not be there tomorrow. So, I indulge myself and stare, and stare, and stare.
I know there are readers on some, "What the hell is so great about art?" I pity thee! Those are the ones who might get inspiration from watching Making the Band 4, but what are those characters doing? Singing. What is singing? Ahhhhh, that's right. Art.
Or those that are "too cool" for art. Well, expose yourself to art! Especially local art. All they want you to do is check it out. Sometimes they like to go to their own shows incognito and talk shit about thier own stuff, just to get a reaction.
Don't sleep on the beauty that surrounds you. Get exposed!
(All these paintings are acrylic on canvas, created by Tom Estess)
This past Friday, Lori and I went to the above mentioned art installment. Presented by the good folks at FTC and The Fourstar Clothing Company
Lori and I were in observation mode and scoped out all this wonderful art. We shot the following photos amongst a sea of skateboarding's finest. Lots of VIPs were in the house, LOTS. I have to give a shout out to Ando for telling me about this months in advance, and Kent for always holding down the SF skate scene. Also, big ups to all the artists who's work was on display. Extra special shout out to Koston, for signing that Martin Luther King "Inspire Change" og patch that DOOMER gave me. (NO, I am not going to sell this autographed patch, I am going to have Julian put it on a Fourstar Jacket of mine, on some ultra limted edition, you'll never buy this style)
So, enjoy yet another installment of the arts here at Truth And Rights. We always keep it moving!
Eli Manning made the greatest Super Bowl play that I have ever seen with my own two eyes. The G-Men's defensive line destroyed NE's O-line and smashed up Tom Brady. By far one of the most entertaining games ever. Don't hate, CONGRATULATE!
Truth And Rights is issuing you, sir, a public apology. In an October 2007 post, NBA True Hollywood Story, I called Mr. Kupchak a bad GM. I also seriously doubted Andrew Bynum and the vision of Dr. Buss. I was wrong, and I am sorry for my comments. My apology is not a regret, because at that time the Lakers were in turmoil, in my opinion. We just lost a preseason game to Golden State and there was all kinds of controversy swirling about the organization, with respect to Kobe trade rumors. I felt that to keep Bryant in LA was the ultimate priority and due to the lack of knowledge that a non NBA GM like myself has, I didn't know the Lakers were trying to cloud the minds of the Association with the greatest Jedi Mindtrick in the history of sports.
My lack of faith led me toward a path of the darkside, but as the season grew closer, my mind became more clear. At the halfway point in the season I now know that this preseason strategy cannot be repeated by any other team.
Step 1. Create the ultimate distraction: Have Kobe go on every media outlet available and ask for a trade. Look what that did to the Bulls! They haven't recovered since! The rest of the NBA is confused and distracted from the true goal of winning a Championship.
Step 2. Haircuts, Tatoos, and Swagger: While the rest of the world thinks that the Lakers bench is soft and non-productive. Give Farmar and Bad Vlad a haircut, have Sasha grow his hair out. Make us all believe Kobe hates his team. Meanwhile, the Lakers are behind closed doors laughing at the rest of us because Bynum has been training under the supreme shot machine Kareem, and perfecting signature moves, like the "lean" dunk. You know the one where he rises and leans thru the whole paited area to a thunderclap dunk?
Step 3. Just when the haters start to flap the gums once again, legitimize the Championship plans and get a baller ass Pau Gasol. Kobe said he wanted to play for a contender right now. Just when everybody and their Mom is crowning Boston's so called Big 3. The Lakers will have a LEGIT big 5. Allen, Pauly P, and Garnett vs. Kobe, Gasol, Bynum, Odom and Fisher. I'd love to see Boston in the NBA finals, but they wouldn't get past the Pistons, let alone the Magic.
I SEE YOU MITCH! Who is ready for another Laker NBA Takeover!? I am! I been ready since 2002. All of you have been warned. Even people that turned CLIPPER FAN (Yeah you Koston) y'all can come back to reality and see that the Los Angeles Lakers will win the NBA title before Boston even gets past the second round. Ya big dummies.