This past Friday, Lori and I went to the above mentioned art installment. Presented by the good folks at FTC and The Fourstar Clothing Company

Lori and I were in observation mode and scoped out all this wonderful art. We shot the following photos amongst a sea of skateboarding's finest. Lots of VIPs were in the house, LOTS. I have to give a shout out to Ando for telling me about this months in advance, and Kent for always holding down the SF skate scene. Also, big ups to all the artists who's work was on display. Extra special shout out to Koston, for signing that Martin Luther King "Inspire Change" og patch that DOOMER gave me. (NO, I am not going to sell this autographed patch, I am going to have Julian put it on a Fourstar Jacket of mine, on some ultra limted edition, you'll never buy this style)

So, enjoy yet another installment of the arts here at Truth And Rights. We always keep it moving!