The Eastern Conference ain't ready. Boston ain't ready. Toronto, definitely ain't ready. The blog is called Truths And Rights, not Lies and Wrongs. C'mon you really think the Celtics have any chance to win? In a 7 game series? Rasheed Wallace will beast Kevin Garnett. I don't care how much shit KG talks, get a ring first! Who's got the better bench? Who's got the better point guards? I cannot wait for that Easter Conference Finals when Detroit and Boston play each other. I will be leaving work early if I have to cuz that WILL not be missed. After being down 30, in Oracle, I saw J Max will the team to victory. (I was HELLA rude during that game, ridiculous in fact) Stuckey, Prince? Matchup nightmares. Watch and see when Detroit rolls thru the first and second rounds. LeBron? C'mon dawg, your team is hella garbage. Everybody is on some last year tip, he did it BIG. He did it with pen ache and flair, also he ruined the NBA finals cuz he beat my team pissed me off then got swept away in a non-contest. LeBron is a cool dude, but he is not going to do that again. Homie will get flagrantly fouled (a la Robert Horry to Steve Nash) before he dunks on the entire squad in the Palace. I digress.. See you in June on ABC and tell them Truth and Rights sent you!