Look, if you think I am going flip-flop and change, you are wrong. The Lakers are not done. We got done in by ourselves for the second game of the NBA Finals. First, game we let down because we got faked out by Paul. This game we let the lack of fair officiating take us out of the game. That shows mental weakness. Leon "The Show" Powe was running coast-to-coast and dunking all over the Lakers, so what son! We still got this.

Boston did the same thing against the Hawks and the Cavs this 2008 Playoffs. 3 straight games at Staples Center, we are cool. Lakers will win 4 in a row, just like the Celtics did against us. Step back gains some prospective and make adjustments, and that is what Playoff ballin' is all about.

No lead is safe. Even with the whole world staked against us and all the Laker Haters and Kobe Haters celebrating, know this. When the Lakers win the title and the champagne is flowing, don't say I didn't tell you so. I guess I has to be Lakers in six.