Even my students are into it!
Ewww. Ugh. Gross. Those are the words that can describe this game. Both teams played like crap, but the Lakers have the MVP. The Lakers win game 3 and that is all that matters. A win is a win!

Ray Allen showed up Kobe showed up and Sasha showed up, everybody else...not so much.

KG has never been able to be a closer and I don't think he will become one all of a sudden.
"The Half Truth" was totally off and said because he didn't go to Roscoe's his game was off. Uhhh, Kobe was gaurding you and you were off, duh!
Pau is playing soft. Lamar is almost useless. If we can win games withouth those two playing well, then Boston, you have a problem. I mean Pau's crucial put backs were just that, and Lamar is just not playing well at all. Despite that we won the game. For me that is just bad news for Boston. Kobe has a lot more to give and our bigs will put in more effort. Imagine a double double from Lamar and one from Pau...

So, game 4 will be another clash of epic proportions! Play on! GO LAKERS!