Like a sword forged in the hot fire, I come to you on this day, strong and sharp, forever ready for battle. Here are some memorable quotes from the stage.
"When ignorace reigns, life is lost!" Z. de la Rocha
"Yo, it's like fity thousand b." Raekwon
"Oh, y'all don't give a fuck?" Ghostface
"Put ya W's up!" Wu Tang Clan
"Good evening we are Rage Against the Machine from Los Angeles California" Ratm
"Did Rage play yet?" Some asshole kid at 2pm
"Shakey, shakey" Mos Def
"Eh Bay Bay" Talib
"You are now rocking with the best" Black Thought
"Dis ain't no Hurricane Chris, ain't no two steppin' on this stage" E. Sermon
"Put ya O's up!" Hieroglyphics
"Fight the power, fight the power!" Chuck D
Hands down this was the best Hip Hop show ever. The realness at its finest. Truthfully, if you missed this, you fucked up. Seriously. Go to www.rockthebells.net and see who played. Ask yourself, why you didn't go. And all of my souljahs who were there, y'all know what it is. This was the best show. Rage Against the Machine is the greatest live act in the history of music. If you haven't seen Rage play live you will never know what a mosh pit is, the glorious noise as my comrade calls it. I've been down with each and every act that have played this tour since 1993. So this was the culmination of my concert going life, never again will anything have this much relevance to my generation of hiphop heads. Big up to GUERILLA UNION for putting on this unprecedented event.