What happened to good dance music? Good question. Here is the answer, ready? NOTHING! "Club bangers", how many times have you heard hip hop heads call their tracks this? Well I am sick of the "Club bangers" and the new kids with the weak dance that accompanies every new banger. It is like they are trying to program us how to dance, talk, dress, and all that. Fuggeduhboutit!
Allow me to introduce to you Colette. The First Lady of Om Records. She is a house dj and songstress, with an amazing voice. http://www.djcolette.com/index2.php Check out her website. Check out Om Records website : http://www.om-records.com/
As one who likes to get his dance on, this new album of hers PUSH gives me visions of Oakland warehouse parties, or a random night in the Mission, at some dark dancehall where people aren't giving a damn about anything but the music. Colette can sing, and the music she sings to makes you want to dance, period. It is true house music, the kind of music that you put on and turn the volume up. Also for those of you who drive long distances at night, put this on after 11pm and crank it while driving fast (and safe).

Guess what? She is coming to the City next month as well.
San Francisco, CA
Date/Time Sun 10/14/07 @ 10:00 PM
Venue Kelly's Mission Rock-2nd Sunday
1. About Us
This is the featured single. She is telling us "something that we need to know". This is a track you'll definitely hear when she performs live. Can't write, just groovin'.
2. Call It Out
If you really mean it, call it out! This is a track dedicated to haters and gossipy gossipers. If it is Truth and Rights, fear not, call that shit out.
3. If
Misanga, that is a saying that my pops always told me. Rough translation, open your eyes! Trust me, the words to this song are words that you want somebody to sing to you. The thing about dance music is that it sets a tone, a mood. The mood that this song sets is one of a cinematic scene between the two main characters. It is as if you can see the lights and feel the smoke machine behind you. It builds up, and builds up. It is the penultimate song to put on while mixing at the house party, club, or senior prom.
4. Funny featuring Black Spade
The opening to this track is as if you are just finished waiting for your drink order. The beat drops, and it is like you just caught the eye of that person you've been eyeing. When she starts singing it is the moment you walk up to that person and ask to dance. Then she starts hitting those notes, kid. This is for the true, true dancers out there. The pace isn't too fast, but not to slow. The perfect track to dance to with your special person, after a fight, or before make-up lovin'. You pick, but this is the best track on the album in my opinion.
5. Get You Over
This track has a sort of Janet Jackson "Rhythm Nation" vibe. She isn't crooning on this one, but hitting the notes on this one percussion style, in a staccato style. The voice effects are pretty tight, def one for the live spot. A track that compels you to clap your hands at some points.
6. Think You Want It
You are in the heart of the album right now. If you aren't a house fan you are asking yourself if you like this album. But then, this song comes on and you wonder why this wasn't playing all summer at your boogie down spot? Summer 2007 wasn't really laden with hits, but this is a late entry and came at the right time. She is even spittin' game in this one too.
7. Running Around
If you mix wax, you'll like this one. You can get your mix on with this one. And the way the beat hits you can drop out and fade in and sound all pro with it. A cresendo into her saying "make me feel" would be pretty ill. Try it at home first and see what I mean. (AV I'm talking to you!) She freaks the vocals near the end.
8. Tonight
Turn it up. Louder, louder, there you go. Just let this one bump.
9. Touch & Go (Interlude)
10. Dance With You
She is singing on this one, and singing well. "Will you open your trust in me?" It has been a minute since I heard house music like this. I guess I was slippin' on the whole scene because it is not like she just came out yesterday. Big ups to Om Records and to my man AV who let me in on this secret. House ain't dead, you've just been caught up in a mind matrix. Loosen up. Stop actin' so hard, and dance. It'll get you more ladies, fellas, trust me. My girl loves the fact that I can move in a coordinated fashion. I am no Usher, but hey, I got soul.
11. About Us (Chuck Love Rework)
It is hard to critique a remix. If you are feeling the orig, then you are feeling this one too. The remix seems more laid back, but at the same time it seems harder. Weird for me to say that but, that is just how I am feeling about it. You listen and let me know what you think.
12. Every Word (Funny Reprise)
New rule, you can't play this song before midnight, or after 4 am. Strictly on the late night. Strictly in low to no light. I wonder if she'll do this on live. That would be pretty hard. "It's funny how the time was fast with you." Damn, one more song. I kind of lost myself in my own world here. I think my friend Danielle would like this song, it reminds me of her for some reason.
13. Think You Want It (Fabulous Fab Mix)
She ends this album with a remix. This is a sexy song, and that is all I am going to say about that one.
So this album gets 3 and a half Conquering Lions on the Truth And Rights scale of musical enjoyment. I don't want to give it too high of a rating then it'll get blown out, but I don't want you to sleep on this on either. Get your collection diversified. A wise man told me, "There is a time and a place for everything". The time is now for Colette, and the place is in the club. True dat!