WTF??! This is not acceptable. It isn't even October yet, but at Macy's San Francisco it is Christmas, oh I mean XMas, or we just want you to get your ultra-spending on. What happened? I used to look forward to Christmas Day, but now, I dread it. Don't get it twisted, I LOVE to be at my crib with my fam watching the youngest open boxes, but the actual "Holiday Season", f dat. Especially when I used to work retail. My gewdness! It was super dooper wack. People are either "It's the most wonderful time of the year" or they are "Bah humbug!" There are no in betweeners. It is like you hate Christmas or you love it. Me I hate the fakeness of it. Christmas is one of the hugest Christian holidays, but now it is on some other ish I really don't dig this. I almost wanted to kick down the trees. As cliche as this sounds there is a reason for the season. I don't even care if you are Christian or not, but the Truth and Rights is that Christmas is about Jesus. If it ain't about Jesus then what is it about? You tell me. Consumerassbullsh...